Contact us

    BASIC INFORMATION OF DATA PROTECTION: In compliance with the duty to inform the interested parties of the circumstances and conditions of the processing of their data and of the rights that assist them, we provide you with the following information.
    PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING OF YOUR DATA: Manage and answer your question.
    CONSERVATION OF DATA: The data is conserved for the time strictly necessary for the relationship and what is legally enforceable, being subsequently destroyed by the secure processes of the organization.
    LEGITIMATION FOR THE TREATMENT: Legitimate interest of the person responsible for responding to the request for information.
    RECIPIENTS OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA: No transfer of data is expected except in those cases where there is a legal obligation. There is no forecast for international data transfers.
    YOUR RIGHTS: You can revoke the consent and exercise your Rights to access, rectify, oppose, limit, carry and delete the data, writing to Gastrobotánica, SL, in Hermanos Gil Coca Nº15, 28223 Pozuelo De Alarcón (Madrid) in addition to going to the competent control authority (AEPD).

    I accept the terms of use of the contact form

    I accept that my identifying information is included for commercial purposes of Gastrobotánica, S.L.